Volunteering: The Secret Sauce for College Applications

So, your high schooler is starting to think about college applications, and you’re hearing the words “volunteer experience” more often than you hear, “What’s for dinner?” It’s no secret that colleges love applicants who give back to their communities, but finding the right volunteer opportunities can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack—while blindfolded.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’re about to break down the best ways to get your teen involved in volunteering that will not only boost their college applications but also (dare we say it?) help them develop a genuine love for giving back. Plus, we’ll sprinkle in a little humor because, let’s face it, we could all use a laugh when navigating the college prep process.

1. Start with Their Interests (Because No One Wants to Be Stuck Cleaning up Roadkill)

Let’s be real—forcing your teen into volunteer work they’re not passionate about is a recipe for disaster. Instead, start by asking them what they’re interested in. Are they animal lovers? Maybe they could help out at a local animal shelter. Do they have a knack for fixing things? Habitat for Humanity might be a great fit.

The key is to match the volunteer work with their passions, so it doesn’t feel like, well, work. Plus, colleges are more impressed by long-term commitments that show genuine interest rather than a laundry list of random volunteer gigs.

2. Check Out Local Nonprofits (Because Not All Heroes Wear Capes—Some Just Need a Helping Hand)

Your local community is probably bursting with nonprofits that could use an extra set of hands. From food banks to community gardens, these organizations are always looking for reliable volunteers. Encourage your teen to reach out to a few nonprofits that align with their interests. They can start by asking about volunteer opportunities and how they can get involved.

And here’s a pro tip: smaller, local nonprofits might offer more hands-on experiences and leadership opportunities than larger organizations. Plus, it’s a great way for your teen to make a real impact in their community.

3. Join Us for a Beach Cleanup! (Because Who Doesn’t Love a Day at the Beach?)

Speaking of local opportunities, here’s a perfect one to get started with! Tutors & Friends is hosting a Beach Cleanup at Tower Two in Ocean Beach on August 31st from 10 am to 12 pm. It’s a fantastic way for your teen to earn volunteer hours, help keep our beautiful beaches clean, and enjoy some fresh ocean air. Plus, they’ll get to meet other community-minded students and maybe even make some new friends. And let’s be honest, cleaning up the beach beats picking up trash in a hot parking lot any day!

4. Think Outside the Box (Because Who Said Volunteering Had to Be Boring?)

Volunteering doesn’t have to mean stuffing envelopes or picking up trash (although those are perfectly respectable options). Encourage your teen to think creatively about how they can give back. Are they a tech whiz? Maybe they can help a nonprofit with their website or social media. Love to cook? Organize a bake sale to raise money for a cause.

Colleges love seeing unique volunteer experiences that showcase a student’s skills and creativity. So, don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to volunteering.

5. Consider Virtual Volunteering (Because Who Says You Can’t Change the World in Pajamas?)

In today’s digital age, there are plenty of virtual volunteering opportunities that allow your teen to make a difference from the comfort of their own home. Whether it’s tutoring younger students online, translating documents for a nonprofit, or even helping map disaster zones, virtual volunteering offers flexibility and the chance to work with organizations all over the world.

And yes, it’s perfectly acceptable for your teen to save the world while wearing their favorite pair of pajamas.

6. Make It a Family Affair (Because Misery Loves Company—Just Kidding!)

Why not make volunteering a family affair? It’s a great way to spend quality time together while giving back. Plus, your teen might be more willing to get involved if they see you leading by example. Whether it’s serving meals at a soup kitchen, participating in a charity run, or joining us at the beach cleanup, volunteering as a family can be a rewarding experience for everyone.

And hey, it’s a win-win—you get to do something good, and your teen gets to check the “community service” box on their college application.

Volunteering is more than just a bullet point on a college application—it’s an opportunity for your teen to develop new skills, meet new people, and make a difference in their community. By helping them find the right opportunities, you’re not only boosting their college prospects but also helping them discover the joy of giving back.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit down with your teen, and start brainstorming how they can get involved. And remember, the best volunteer experiences are the ones that come from the heart (and maybe involve a little bit of fun along the way). We hope to see you and your teen at our Beach Cleanup on August 31st!

Happy volunteering!


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